Week 9 Laws of the Game Quiz 2018-2019
This is week 9 of the Laws of the Game Quiz 2018-2019.
I got a lot of comments on one question in week 8. I can fully understand that a referee abandons the game if he gets hit by a player. My advice is to do so as well. This questions was just a LOTG question to see how you need to handle. Sometimes a player might try to hit you, but fails or he/she touches you barely. Some refs might feel comfortable to continue a game then and know that the answer of last week’s question applies to situations like that. In the end, it’s all up to the referee to continue or not.
Coach entering the field of play
This week a coach enters the field of play and you notice that after the goal is scored by his team. How is play restarted? Check out the full quiz below.
Love the quiz’s
Hello there
Liked the opportunity to think about. For sime, pictures may help.
Jan ter Harmsel
Pictures or video clips? I’ll focus for now on text and with the case studies on the video’s
Kazzim Ajibola
This is interesting and educating. Adding values to me as a referee. Well-done.