It’s time for week 26 Laws of the Game Quiz 2018-2019. I’ll start with a moment from the German cup game between Bayern Munich and Heidenheim. Niklas Süle fouls an attacker, see picture below. What is your decision?
Q1 the picture is above, not below. The first time I did this quiz I didn’t realise the relevance of the picture to the question so I had to imagine the probable DOGSO scenario – a substitute running on to the field without permission, shooting a machine gun full of shinguards and spit at Sule, and then rugby tackling him and biting his bum
Dogso Dave
Q1 the picture is above, not below. The first time I did this quiz I didn’t realise the relevance of the picture to the question so I had to imagine the probable DOGSO scenario – a substitute running on to the field without permission, shooting a machine gun full of shinguards and spit at Sule, and then rugby tackling him and biting his bum
Jan ter Harmsel
That is copied from the text above, sorry. But there’s one picture, so luckily most people got that.