Week 24 Laws of the Game Quiz 2018-2019
It’s time for week 24 of the Laws of the Game Quiz 2018-2019.
An interesting one with a few questions I made for Tournaments Abroad Referee Academy. For example with a player who’s outside the field of play and wants to come in while standing besides the goal-post. He sees that a shot is going into the goal and he steps onto the field of play and kicks the ball forward. What do you decide then?
The quiz
Good luck with the quiz.
Wasswa astone
Stop play, caution the player and restart with an indirect free kick at the point he entered from.
Oscar Phillips-James
I don’t know what to say
I answer by law change to be in 1 /6
if goal keeper fails to play the ball and return holds by hand
Jan ter Harmsel
Can you please explain yourself a bit clearer? I don’t exactly know what you mean with this.