Blog, LOTG Quiz Week 14 Laws of the Game Quiz 2019-2020 10 December, 2019 / 2 Comments Week 14 Laws of the Game Quiz 2019-2020. The last regular one of 2019-2020. Will I see you back next week again with the “best of” before the winter break?
John Anekeya 11 December, 2019 at 6:45 am Reply Fantastic test. Keeping referees on toes. I have benefited a lot
Jan ter Harmsel 18 January, 2020 at 6:31 pm Reply How intense was it compared to the FIFA fitness test?
John Anekeya
Fantastic test. Keeping referees on toes. I have benefited a lot
Jan ter Harmsel
How intense was it compared to the FIFA fitness test?