Blog, LOTG Quiz Week 12 Laws of the Game Quiz 2017-2018 1 December, 2017 / 4 Comments It’s Friday again. That means a new referee quiz. It’s week 12 of the Laws of the Game Quiz. If you like this, please use the share buttons on this page to share this link with one of your refereeing friends. Much appreciated. Bezig met laden…
areferee1 1 December, 2017 at 7:31 pm Reply Hey Jan! What happened to all your videos on Vimeo? I don’t see them anymore. Are they still available or will you start making them again? i always enjoyed reviewing match decisions with them.
Jan ter Harmsel 2 December, 2017 at 11:51 pm Reply I don’t have a Vimeo channel, so probably that is someone else.
Hey Jan!
What happened to all your videos on Vimeo? I don’t see them anymore. Are they still available or will you start making them again? i always enjoyed reviewing match decisions with them.
Jan ter Harmsel
I don’t have a Vimeo channel, so probably that is someone else.
Excellent question
Pradip nag
Helps the referee largely to know his ability on LOTG