
Watching other referees makes you improve

Watching other referees makes you improve, says Russian referee Sergei Karasev. On the Uefa website he said that he watched a lot of Champions League matches on tv as a young referee.

He learned from all of them and put new tools in his toolbox after every game he watched. Although there wasn’t someone who was THE person he looked up to, he could learn from many. “But there were some great referees around at that time – I tried to take the best parts of all of them, put together the pieces like a puzzle and develop my own style.”

I’d love to hear from you:

  • Which games and referees do you watch?
  • Which referee do you like and what do you bring from him/her into your own style?

I’d love to add these examples to my blog post. So please comment below or email me on


  • Thembinkosi Given Mangai

    I like to watch soccer matches. The Refree I like to watch is AR Zakele Siwela from SA. Reason I watch him is the I like his movement along the line,and the he judge offside.

    • Jan ter Harmsel

      So spot on with his calls? Great to learn form him. Ever spoken with him or followed a webinar where he shared some experience?

  • Zukhal

    Hello. Thank you for this wonderful blog. I would like to get information about Stéphanie Frappart’s refering carier and intervews.

    • Jan ter Harmsel

      She doesn’t give a lot of interviews, at least not in English. Will try to find something. How does she inspire you?

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