5 summer holidays fitness tips for referees
5 summer holidays fitness tips. When the season is over you might want to relax, but don’t get too relaxed. Take a different approach, because that will get you in a different vibe. What I did right after the summer break? I did some walks on the Scottish island Skye and went to The Hague’s beach for stand up paddling. This s0-called supping is great fun and will also train lots of different muscles. In this article you’ll get some great advice by fitness experts, like the Dutch pro referee fitness instructor.
My referee season is going to start again
I enjoyed a great holiday in West-Canada during my summer break, but I must admit that I do miss refereeing now. I’m really looking forward to the start of the season. No more “whistle stop”, let’s start with the (football and) referee season! Last weeks, I checked the online referee portal a few times a day to see if the first matches of the season were already there. This week they finally arrived. No longer a white page after logging on, I got two appointments for August. The Dutch amateur season starts with two cup rounds in August and then competition from September. My season starts with a u19 match…