Great example: no offside after deliberate play
Theory in the Laws Of The Game is not always clear. That’s why referees need examples to see what a situation really means. Title of this case study: no offside after deliberate play. The “new” offside rule is two years old. But not every referee or player is familiar with it. Check out the video in the tweet below. It is the perfect example of a player who was in offside position when his team-mate played the ball. But because the defender deliberately played the ball, a new situation occurs. That’s why the attacker is no longer in offside position. The Laws of the Game are clear on this: “A…
Offside rule: correct call decides Valencia clash
The offside rule is still a difficult one for players, fans and even referees. As an assistant referee it’s sometimes difficult to see if a defender is touching the ball and if it’s a deliberate pass as well. In Saturday’s local clash between Levante and Valencia referee Carlos Velasco Carballo had to make such a difficult call. After a pass from a Levante defender Ángel was in offside position, but he’s walking back and doesn’t interfere with play immediately. Check out the video (from about 2 minutes) first and then read the case study below. As you can see in the video: referee Velasco Carballo initially raises his hand to…
The future of the Law 11: modernising offside rules
Dortmund created a very exciting end of their Champions League match this week against CF Malaga with two goals in extra. From behind my tv screen I really enjoyed the atmosphere, but must admit: the last goal was scored by a player in offside position. And it was not the first one that match. Eliseu put the 2-1 for Malaga on the scoreboard from an offside position. Okay, both teams scored once that way, so they’re equal. Check out the video with highlights of the match between Dortmund and Malaga: Scottish FA chief executive Stewart Regan surprised me on Scottish TV. Not because of his support for referee Thomson –…
Offside or just a stupid own goal?
Zanetti had a big smile on his face after he kicked the ball hard behind his own goalie. Just couldn’t stop laughing about this stupid action. But what he didn’t know that the goal in the match Parma – Inter didn’t count. Referee Antonio Giannoccaro took over the signal of his assistant Claudio La Rocca, who made an offside call for the attacker close to Zanetti. What would you say: stupid action by the defender or correct call by the assistant because the attacker is influencing Zanetti’s play although he didn’t touch the ball?
Reaction of the fans in offside situation
Offside, one of the most difficult things to see for an assistant referee. It’s the same for the supporters around the pitch. Just back from my hodiday, I watched a game of the club I always played soccer myself. I got the screenshot below from a regional tv station. The blue arrow shows my position. I thought: this could have been a wrong call from the AR, so I checked the video. It’s still difficult to see if the assistant is right (what do you think?). That shows very clearly how important the position in (non-)offside situations is. In my experiences most supporters start shouting dirty words to the AR…