Beaten up referee tells his story of violence against him
A 29-year-old referee was kicked by a player after giving him a red card. He tells his story of the incident to football website Het Amsterdamsche Voetbal. Another sad chapter of violence against referees. Just one week after the Dutch FA released a list with 10 things that are going to change to stop violence against referees in The Netherlands, three violent incidents against referees took place. Arend van Laar was refereeing a match between OSC and SDZ in the Amsterdam region. In the 43rd minute all went wrong. He send of an OSC player, who strongly disagreed with him. His clothing was almost literally torn from his body before…
Dutch FA takes measures against violence against referees
The Dutch FA has released a plan to decrease violence against referees in Dutch football and get more respect for referees. Check out the full plan in Dutch (pdf). The death of linesman Richard Nieuwenhuizen was the main reason for this new plan, launched by the Dutch FA Wednesday 20th of March. “After that tragic incident in December 2012 one thing was absolutely clear: more needs to be done [against violence]”, says the FA in a statement which was delivered in the mailboxes of all Dutch referees. Sponsor ARAG also announced that all Dutch referees will get an official Nike referee shirt. 10 things that are going to change in…