Fifa referees receiving badges for 2014
Fifa referees are receiving their badges for 2014. Below you can find a Twitter photo collection of photo’s from refs with their new badge. Referees from Italy: Valentina Garoffolo and Graziella Pirraiatore and Carina Vitulano. Graziella Pirriatore confermata per il 2014 arbitro internazionale FIFA pic.twitter.com/f71jdOQV2O — AIA – FIGC (@AIA_it) January 10, 2014 Valentina Garoffolo neo arbitro internazionale FIFA riceve il suo primo badge pic.twitter.com/RLqh4BipDl — AIA – FIGC (@AIA_it) January 10, 2014 Carina Vitulano confermata nelle liste FIFA pic.twitter.com/srSkG73Ju7 — AIA – FIGC (@AIA_it) January 10, 2014 Turkish referees with their new badge: 2014 FİFA REFEREE pic.twitter.com/1OshQdCIjr — Barış Asım Ünal (@barisasim) January 8, 2014 Mexican refs. FOTO El…