SummerRefs: Pedro Nuno Mendes from Portugal
Today, the Dutch Referee Blog started a new section called SummerRefs. Referees from all over the world and all with different experiences will tell about their refereeing career and how they prepare for next season during this summer break.
Each Saturday a new profile will be placed on line, and the first who answers the five questions (5W’s) is from Portugese referee Pedro Nuno Mendes.
Name: Pedro Nuno Mendes
Age: 28
Hometown: Lisbon, Portugal
Started refereeing: 2004
Grade: Referee on Lisbon Championships, Assistant Referee on the Nationals

Who do you think you are (as referee)?
“I see me as conciliating guy, who likes to grab the hand by talking with the players, showing I’m the boss, but at the same level as them.”
Why did you start refereeing?
“I started because I was invited by a friend, and I was very curious to know ‘the other side’, the side everybody dislike.”
What are your goals in refereeing?
“As far as I can, achieve the 1st league as a referee.”
Which decision would you like to recall?
“There is a decision that’s on my mind for about 3 years, a clearly penalty kick that i didn’t call.”
What do you do in preparation for next season?
“First I’m taking long runs conciliating with gymnasium. Further ahead I hope to prepare in terms of velocity. I want to prepare myself everyday, but sometimes it’s very hard.”
“I send all dutchreferee’s fans best regards and wish you the best of seasons.”
Next week there’ll be a special edition, because the referee will be from southern hemisphere, so he’s enjoying his winter break.
Are you interested in answering the 5W’s, please let me know via @DutchReferee on Twitter or e-mail to dutchreferee at
One Comment
Talents Academy
I know him! 🙂