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5 summer holidays fitness tips for referees

5 summer holidays fitness tips. When the season is over you might want to relax, but don’t get too relaxed. Take a different approach, because that will get you in a different vibe.

What I did right after the summer break? I did some walks on the Scottish island Skye and went to The Hague’s beach for stand up paddling. This s0-called supping is great fun and will also train lots of different muscles. In this article you’ll get some great advice by fitness experts, like the Dutch pro referee fitness instructor.

Jan SUPping

The 5 summer holidays fitness tips

Here’s how to start with some excercises after a period of physical inactivity.

  1. Don’t do specific training sessions for 3-4 weeks. That’s the advice by Dutch referee fitness instructor Hilco de Boer. The idea behind it is: you give your mind and body a rest. Because your thoughts will be focused on other things than training sessions and games. “You’ll give your mind and body the time to recover from the season.”
  2. Measure how you improve. You could weigh yourself after you came back from the holiday and set yourself a goal for the coming weeks. Another way to get statistics how your performance improves is time your runs and see how you get faster after each training session.
  3. Go back into excercising gradually. Don’t start with a heavy training session. Just give your body a chance to build up the strength. After a holiday it’s not used to the heavy training sessions from before the summer break anymore.
  4. Eat in moderation. Don’t continue with holiday excesses like overeating and drinking too much. Yeah, they are mostly always there. It’s good to have a few weeks of relaxation – don’t forget to take psychological rest -, but now is the time to get back in your physical routine.
  5. Don’t start with running immediately, do some other sports. It’s good for your body to do some other sports before you ease into running again. Go cycling, play some football yourself or ask some friends to do a tennis or squash game. That’s also the advice from referee fitness instructor Hilco de Boer. Because when you do other sports, you’ll give your mind a good rest and different thing to focus on. When you want to start training again, the start gradually with running with this pre-season tips for referees.

Tips via Hilco de Boer, Run Washington, Lifestyle Asia and Slimforce.

What do you do during the summer break? Please share it below.

Jan and one of the summer holidays fitness tips: doing a different sport


  • George

    I am on long term summer holidays working on a boat as skipper.
    I try to do lots of swimming, beach running and road running.
    Long working hours do not allow enough energy for training but I try not to get too lazy.
    Where I work it is very mountainous so running involves a lot of uphill and downhill runs.
    Sometimes I settle with some skipping rope and core strengthening exercises followed by a steady 30 minute swim.

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