Referee whistles and watches at

Jan from Dutch Referee Blog has highlighted products from that are used by (top) referees all over the world. You can help him by buying through these links, as these affiliate links help him pay for the web hosting of this referee blog and e-mail provider.

Referee whistles

Referee whistles are available in different sorts and prizes. The three whistles below are very popular and used by international football referees. If you get a new one, please use one of these affiliate links below.

Polar watches for referees

Polar watches for referees are used at all levels. Dutch professional referees do use them all the time and also many international football referees. If you get a new one, please use one of these affiliate links below.

Garmin watches for referees

Garmin watches for referees are very accurate. Personally I bought the Forerunner 735XT and am satisfied with it. If you get a new one, please use one of these affiliate links below.

You can help him by buying through these links, as these affiliate links help him pay for the web hosting of this referee blog and e-mail provider.