Physical training programme to improve refereeing in Madrid
A physical training programme is launched by the Referee Committee of the Madrid Football Association. They want to improve their local referees and prepare them for the increasing standards of refereeing. One of the goals is to “position Madrid’s men and women referees at the forefront of Spanish refereeing.”
I talk on my blog with José María García-Aranda Encinar. He is adviser to the President of the Referees’ Committee and to the President of the Football Federation.
Plan for specific demands of referees
Can tell me a bit more. What are the plans?
“The target is to extend the physical training programmes to all the referees’ categories, increasing the number of professionals in charge and the venues. And also to implement training plans for the referees and their specific demands on the field of play. A specialised plan will be developed for women referees and assistant referees.”
“My role has been to help in developing these general plans. They’re part of my duties as adviser to the President of the Referees’ Committee and the President of the Football Federation.”
Increase the quality of referees
Why is a good physical condition so important for referees?
“Nowadays, football matches in all the categories are played faster. The general level in men’s and women’s matches has increased the demands for the referees. Accurate physical preparation helps the referees not only from the physical point of view but also with their
psychological performance.
Why do referees need such a programme?
“One of the main targets of the Madrid Referees’ Committee is to increase the quality of the referees and assistant referees (men and women). And to promote them to the top national and international tournaments. This programme will be an important part of the plans in order to reach these goals.”
Physical training programme to improve performances
How will this help referees?
“Increasing the quality of their training and education will improve their performance and their opportunities to compete with referees from other regions in the “race” to the promotion.”
What do referees have to do now?
These programmes require a higher compromise from the referees with their general preparation. Because they need to be in closer contact with their instructors. It also shows they need to be an active part of their own control and management.
Forefront of Spanish refereeing
The Referees Committee is seeking excellence in all the areas related to the referees’ performance. What are the other plans to improve the quality of refereeing in Madrid?
The new President of the Madrid Referees’ Committee, José Luis Lesma, with the full support of the new President of the Royal Football Federation of Madrid, Francisco Díez, seeks to position Madrid’s men and women referees at the forefront of Spanish refereeing. To reach this challenging target, new physical, technical and psychological programmes will be implemented with the support of the new technologies (educational platforms, applications, etc.).
3 tips for you
If you have to give three tips to referees about their physical performance. What tips would you give them?
- First of all, your physical preparation will improve your general performance and image.
- You need an excellent physical preparation to control the demands of modern football matches.
- An accurate physical preparation will allow you to be in the right place at the right time. To show the best of yourself as a referee, you need to use this tool (physical preparation).
Want to read more about referees and fitness? Check out the fitness page on this blog.