Lee Markwick: referee and mentor in the UK
Lee Markwick followed the referee course when his son signed up for it. “As his dedicated taxi, I started to develop an interest in officiating”, he says in an interview with Dutch Referee Blog. Le Markwick (54) is a level 4 referee and he started officiating in 2011.
Please tell a bit more about how you got involved in refereeing?
Lee Markwick: “Two reasons
- At the age of 14 my son Dean stopped playing football and decided to take his referees’ course. As his dedicated taxi, I started to develop an interest in officiating. It was his learning and development that gave me the inspiration to also take up refereeing
- Having played and having a love of football I still wanted to be involved in the game”
Refereeing on Saturday, mentoring on Sunday
Where do you officiate and what does your refereeing weekend usually look like?
Lee Markwick: “I officiate on the South Midlands pool in the UK. I dedicate my whole Saturday to officiate and will often go and mentor a referee on a Sunday.”
Do you go to a referee association or train for yourself? How do you improve as a referee?
Lee Markwick: “I belong to an Association. I improve by watching, observing and talking to other referees, coach’s and observers. Self-reflection is a big part of my development and I take time to read articles on refereeing, fitness and mental strength and attitude.”
2017 has just started. What are your refereeing goals for next year? And how are you going to achieve them?
Lee Markwick: “I hope to achieve level 3 status by staying fit, working hard and taking on board all the advice I receive from the observers.”
Lee Markwick’s tips that will make you a better referee
- Believe in yourself, be confident and be prepared to not always get it right
- Keep fit, look after yourself and learn the laws
- Smile, it’s only a game