In the dressing room: Arsenal Football Club
Something new on the blog: In the dressing room. This time with photo’s of the referee’s dressing room in Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium.
Had some ideas about photo’s of different dressing rooms on the blog, but don’t know if people would like it if I only post them from changing rooms I visit (Send me your pictures if you have them!).
That’s when I found out Constant Onstenk, secretary of the board of the Referee Association of Arnhem (city in the eastern part of Holland), visited the Emirates Stadium with his wife and posted some of here photo’s in the local referee magazine. He wrote that the dressing rooms were locked, but he could enter them after he asked politely.
It’s actually a referee area, with three different rooms: a dressing room, a lounge and bathroom with massage table. On the wall is a plaquette from the North Middlesex Referees Society to wish the referees a good match. It’s, according to their own website, “currently one of the largest Societies, if not the largest Society, in England”. Have a look around in the referees’ dressing room of Arsenal Football Club.

If you have some photo’s of an interesting dressing room (could be your local one) e-mail me at dutchreferee at
Looks pretty nice.
Kan je de foto’s ook zo linken dat ze in een nieuw venster openen? Nu moet de bezoeker het zelf doen of je moet elke keer op ‘terug’ klikken om weer op je blog te komen, grotere kans dat je bezoekers vertrekken van je site.
Niclas E
Nice, should be standard in all the stadiums.
Tony Ward
The pictures are slightly misleading, as the Lounge is not attached to the Referees Dressing Room, it is a seperate Room, some 30 metres from the main area.
It should be noted that Arsenal FC are the only Club in England to provide a Masseur solely for the Match Officials.