Pol van Boekel promoted on international list
Dutch referee Pol van Boekel has been promoted to category two on the international refereeing list. He’s on the Uefa list since 2007. Uefa doesn’t want to publish the full list at this moment. The 35-year-old Van Boekel made his international debut during the U17 match Slovakia-Serbia on 26 March 2008. He’s officiated 19 official international games, including five Europa League matches. Dutch international referees: Björn Kuipers and Kevin Blom on the Elite List. Eric Braamhaar on the Premier list. Bas Nijhuis and Pol van Boekel on the category two list. Richard Liesveld is a category three referee. Danny Makkelie is on the cat. 4 list. Pieter Vink, who was…
Why Vink quitted international refereeing
A personal death threat was one of the reason why Dutch referee Pieter Vink quits international refereeing. “The bottomline was a letter in my daughter’s lunchbox”, says Vink to ANP, a Dutch press agency. Written was: “We schieten je kankervader kapot” (literally translation: ‘we shoot your cancer father’ – don’t know if there are any English abusive expressions like that). His daughter of seven didn’t understand it completely, but his wife was very upset. Vink announced his international retirement in September. The official reason was: giving younger colleagues a chance.
Damkova part 2: ‘Nobody likes referees :-)’
Dagmar Damkova is a female referee who almost achieved everything in her refereeing career. Last season she got appointed for “the match of the year” the Czech top men’s league. This is the second part of an interview with the Czech top referee. Read the first part also on the Dutch Referee Blog. You’re officiating in the men’s league. When was your debut at men’s highest level? It was in October 2003. In that season I had only 3 matches. I started to have games in top men’s league quite regularly in 2006. Czech women‘s league is not professional and I am not so positive about that even for the…
‘I want to be in the middle of the game I love’
Dagmar Damkova is the only female referee in the Czech Republic who officiates on the highest men’s level. As an internationale women’s referee she refereed almost every important match. Only the WC final is missing on her record with achievements. An interview from the Dutch Referee Blog with this Czech top referee (part 1). Read part two here. When and why did you become refereeing? Dagmar Damkova: ‘It was in January 1995 when I was almost about to give up my football career but then I continued one more year. However, it was hard to do both, so I decided for refereeing.’ What makes it special for you? ‘It’s hard…
How do you call the 5th and 6th official?
We call them additional officials or fifth or sixth man. Tonight I watched the Champions League match between and Ajax and Dinamo Kiev. The reporter was looking for a better name for the extra officials. Any suggestions? Or do you already have a specific name for them in English?
Uefa released new futsal international referee list
Uefa has released the new international futsal’s referee list. Check the lists below: Premier Most referees on the highest futsal refereeing level come from Spain and Croatia (2 per country). Category two Youngest referee on the list is Gerald Blauernfeind from Austria with 29 years. Oldest referee is Francisco Jose Seca Parrinha from Portugal who is 44 years old. Category three A huge list with 54 lists. Check the men’s international football list here Check the women’s international football list here
Uefa released new women’s international referee listv
Uefa has released the new international women’s referee list. Check the lists below: Elite With three referees (of 18) who come from Romania. The youngest referees are Kateryna Monzul (Ukraine) and Christina Westrum Pedersen (Norway) with 29 years old. Premier Referees are all from different countries. Oldest referee with 43 years old is Ann-Helen Østervold from Norway. Category two With the highest ranked referee from The Netherlands, Sjoukje de Jong. Katalin Kulcsar from Hungary is only 25 years old. Category three With three Greece referees. More on women’s refereeing in the article about the U20 Women’s World Cup in Germany earlier this month.