Building up intensity of referee training after a break
A new fitness exercise: building up intensity of referee training after a break. Usually after the season and in the half-way break you try to take some rest as a referee. Dutch pro referee fitness trainer Hilco de Boer has an important tip for you. When you get back into your fitness regime, make sure you’re building up intensity of referee training gradually. Because that prevents you from getting injuries. Training session 1 after the break The first training session focuses on endurance, because it’s not good to start with sprints immediately. The training you’ll do firsty is an extensive endurance training. “If you follow an extensive endurance training you…
3 lessons from George Gansner’s referee career
George Gansner will referee his 200th MLS game on Sunday 3rd of August. I’ts an honour for him to reached this milestone. “I’ve had some great experiences, learning from the guys who were originals on the FIFA assistant referee list in 1996, which was such a benefit. If I can now teach the younger guys something, that’s huge for me”, he told proreferees.com. Gansner is currently the sixth-most experienced assistant referee on the PRO roster in terms of games officiated. He is happy that his referee organisation now focusses more on the quality of AR’s. “Assistants have always been the forgotten piece and the focus has been on the referees…
Photo series: World Cup preparation for referees
Photo series: World Cup preparation for referees. The photo’s are made Lorenzo Fontani, a Sky Sport journalist. He published them on Twitter and I embedded them in the blog post below. All referees doing their excercises. #arbitri #Mondial2014 chi riconosce quello in first piano? #regoliamoci #zurigo #fifa #referee #meeting @SkySport pic.twitter.com/KftTaguvAy — Lorenzo Fontani (@lorenzofontani) March 27, 2014 Photo of Japanese referee Yuichi Nishimura. Per cultori della materia… #regoliamoci #arbitri #zurigo #fifa #referee #meeting pic.twitter.com/ipAxzu9ubA — Lorenzo Fontani (@lorenzofontani) March 27, 2014 Nicola Rizzoli check the video screen during the world cup preparation for referees. #Rizzoli si rivede alla #moviola ! #arbitri #Mondial2014 #regoliamoci #zurigo #fifa #referee #meeting @SkySport pic.twitter.com/1Iq9JDaX6K…
Referee training session: the pyramid run
This week I completed my first full training session after my broken ankle. One day later: no ankle pain, only sore legs. It feels great. Sharing this happy news on Facebook I got asked what kind of training session I did. That triggered me, because how referees train in other train, could be interesting for everyone in the refereeing community. Please let me know what your training sessions look like. Mine started with a warm-up session: some easy running around the football pitch for about 15 mintues. Then the heavy task began. As the trainer says: “Competition starts again next weekend. This excercise will let you know how good your…