
ARIET fitness test

The ARIET fitness test is used in addition to the official Fifa fitness test for referees. The ARIET may be used as a method of assessing the aerobic fitness of assistant referees with the recommended standards.

ARIET stands for Assistant Referee Intermittent Endurance Test. You can test it at home with these audio files.

Procedure ARIET fitness test

  1. Cones should be set out as illustrated in thediagram below. The distance between A and B is 2.5 metres. The distance between B and C is 12.5 metres. The distance between B and D is 20 metres.
  2. Assistant referees must start from a standing position. They must complete the following sequence in accordance with the pace dictated by the audio file.
    •  run 20m forwards (B-D), turn and run 20m forwards (D-B)
    • walk 2.5m (B-A), turn and walk 2.5m (A-B)
    •  run sideways 12.5m (B-C), and run sideways facing the same side 12.5m (C-B)
    • walk 2.5m (B-A), turn and walk 2.5m (A-B)
  3. The audio file will dictate the pace of the runs and the length of each recovery period. Assistant referees should keep pace with the audio file until they have reached the recommended level.
  4. The starting position requires the assistant referees to be standing still with their front foot on the line (B). Assistant referees must place a foot on the turning lines (C & D). If an assistant referee fails to place a foot on the lines B, C or D on time, they should receive a clear warning from the test leader. If an assistant referee fails to arrive on time on a second occasion, they should be pulled from the test by the test leader.
Diagram of ARIET fitness test
Diagram of ARIET fitness test

Reference times for men assistant referees

  1. International and category 1: level 16.0-3 / 1,470 metres
  2. Category 2: level 15.5-3 / 1,275 metres
  3. Lower categories: level 14.5-3 / 1, 080 metres

Reference times for women assistant referees

  1. International and category 1: level 14.5-3 / 1,080 metres
  2. Category 2: level 14-3 / 820 metres
  3. Lower categories: level 13.5-8 / 715 metres

How to practise for this test?

FIFA Assistant referee Ian Bird has shared a nice exercise to practise ARIET. He says: This has directly increased my Ariet fitness test results and improved my performance on the field”

Assistant referee Ian Bird


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