24-24 rule for referee reflection
The 24-24 rule for referee reflection. That’s how Katy Nesbitt reflects on her decisions during and after the game. “And to learn from them”. This technique helps her become a better referee and might help you too. In this blog post her reflection method is explained.

How you can reflect on your games
Sometimes you have a bad game, don’t get good appointments or don’t get a promotion. “A lot of times we think that then that is it for us. We can be really hard for ourselves as referees. “What was hard for me to learn was, how to quickly learn from that opposed to really holding on to the negativity. Sometimes it could haunt me for a few games and you’ll never improve from that. One of the biggest things I’ve learned is to take in the mistakes that you’ve made, process them and learn from them. I actually make myself do it in 24 hours now. I don’t hold on to that any more and make some improvements from it.
Reflection without video
And even if you don’t have a video to watch back. “You can still think through how you saw it in the moment and make sure how to see it better next time.” She gives a nice example from an AR perspective. “Maybe you were too focused on the second to last defender and only turned your head the last second to see the contact with a foul nearby.” Once you played that back, you can think of what you could have done differently. “I don’t have an offside decision to make right now, maybe I can turn my head 2 seconds sooner and be able to see that the way I want to.”
Read more: interview with Katy Nesbitt on her career.
Steve Kelly
This is really good advice Reflection after a game is so important.
Steve Kelly London England
Jan ter Harmsel
Great to hear that it’s valuable, Steve. Feel free to share it with refs at your RA.